First steps with Validated in cats

October 8, 2016    Scala Functional Programming cats

This week I’ve taken my first steps with both the Validated and NonEmptyList types in cats. Also, in fact, my first steps with cats. I thought I’d share my experience as I had been putting off my first steps with cats and I shouldn’t have been.

The context was trying to parse and resolve a new style of configuration from a YAML file in the Guardian’s continuous delivery tool, Riff-Raff.

I recommend reading the herding cats log of Eugene Yokota working through cats. I didn’t find it particularly easy going (in part I think as I’ve neither used scalaz nor have a strong FP background) - however it is definitely worth reading for some good examples of using different concepts.


Let’s start with NonEmptyList because it’s the simpler of the two concepts. Super simple in fact. A NonEmptyList is a list that has at least one element. This makes it easier to reason about if an empty list is an illegal state. For the sake of brevity I frequently aliased NonEmptyList to NEL: import{NonEmptyList => NEL}.

In my use case I’m parsing a file and at some stage have go from a normal List to a NonEmptyList. The main NEL constructor is NEL(head, tail), but there is also NEL.of(head) if you have a singleton item and NEL.fromList(list) that returns an Option which can be None if the argument is an empty list (if you somehow know you have a list with at least one item you can use NEL.fromListUnsafe(list)). I’m reading a configuration though and am using NEL because an empty list is an error. Thus when using NEL.fromList(list) to go from the raw representation Some(nel) is the happy case and None is the unhappy case. This can work well with Validated as I’ll mention later.

My main frustration with NEL is the disparity from List. NEL misses a heap of methods that I’m used to using. Some examples are :::, mkString, distinct and even size. This means adding a little toList boiler plate whenever you need to use one (or learning the alternative such as concat or ++ in the case of :::).


I’ll come back to NEL, but let’s move on to look at Validated. The aim of this datatype is to represent either a success value or an error state. It’s very similar to Either except that it is designed to accumulate errors rather than stop on the very first error. By returning multiple errors it should mean fewer fix and repeat cycles for a user in order to make a successful call.

In my case I have a number of parsing and resolving phases. Each phase has to be completely correct before moving onto the next phase, but each phase can potentially have one or more errors. The phases are:

  • Parse the YAML
  • Resolve the YAML representation into an internal representation
  • Check that the internal representation makes sense (i.e. all the values are legal)

I initially modelled the errors as an NEL - using the convenient ValidatedNel type alias. I used a case class ConfigError(content: String, message: String) to store the errors and the type I returned was ValidatedNel[ConfigError, <Success>] (where was my successful type at that phase). That's equivalent to `Validated[NEL[ConfigError], ]` and can be either `Invalid[NEL[ConfigError]]` or `Valid[]`.

In order for Validated to be able to accumulate errors easily the Invalid type is a Semigroup (a data type that is associative, i.e. (a + b) + c == a + (b + c) - both List and NEL are Semigroups). This allows the methods of Validated to join the errors of multiple Validated instances together. In the end I switched from using ValidatedNel[ConfigError, <Success>] due to the amount of boilerplate that it needed (every time I created an error case I needed to make it into a NEL using NEL.of as well as instantiating ConfigError). I created another case class to hide this:

case class ConfigError(context: String, message: String)
case class ConfigErrors(errors: NEL[ConfigError])
object ConfigErrors {
  def apply(context: String, message: String): ConfigErrors = ConfigErrors(ConfigError(context, message))
  def apply(error: ConfigError): ConfigErrors = ConfigErrors(NEL.of(error))
  implicit val sg = new Semigroup[ConfigErrors] {
    def combine(x: ConfigErrors, y: ConfigErrors): ConfigErrors = ConfigErrors(x.errors.concat(y.errors))

The NEL is still there, but I don’t need to see it as I can directly instantiate ConfigErrors("my context", "my error message"). You’ll notice that I’ve added a Semigroup implementation so that two ConfigErrors can be combined in the same way that Validated would have combined two NEL instances previously. So now my type is Validated[ConfigErrors, <Success>].

Parsing the YAML

The first phase was the parsing of the YAML. Slightly controversially I convert YAML into JSON and then use the Play JSON parser (because none of the YAML parsers in Scala are very good at the moment and I’m using a subset of YAML that can be expressed in JSON). Play JSON actually has a type that works pretty much exactly like Validated. It’s not generic, but JsResult can hold either a successfully parsed value or a sequence of errors. It’s quite simple to convert from one type to another:

Json.fromJson[RiffRaffDeployConfig](json) match {
  case JsSuccess(config, _) => Valid(config)
  case JsError(errors :: tail) =>
    val nelErrors = NEL(errors, tail)
    Invalid(ConfigErrors({ case (path, validationErrors) =>
      ConfigError(s"Parsing $path", => ve.message).mkString(", "))
  case JsError(_) => ??? // not possible: if we match a JsError it will have at least one error

Resolving the YAML representation into an internal representation

The output from the first phase is a set of case classes that match the structure of the input YAML. This next phase converts them into another case class after having checked that various things are true and done some expansions. Most of the input case class fields are Option but the output fields are not:

/** The two input case classes */
case class RiffRaffDeployConfig(
  stacks: Option[List[String]],
  regions: Option[List[String]],
  templates: Option[Map[String, DeploymentOrTemplate]],
  deployments: List[(String, DeploymentOrTemplate)]

case class DeploymentOrTemplate(
  `type`: Option[String],
  template: Option[String],
  stacks: Option[List[String]],
  regions: Option[List[String]],
  actions: Option[List[String]],
  app: Option[String],
  contentDirectory: Option[String],
  dependencies: Option[List[String]],
  parameters: Option[Map[String, JsValue]]

/** A deployment that has been parsed and validated out of a riff-raff.yml file. */
case class Deployment(
  name: String,
  `type`: String,
  stacks: NEL[String],
  regions: NEL[String],
  actions: Option[List[String]],
  app: String,
  contentDirectory: String,
  dependencies: List[String],
  parameters: Map[String, JsValue]

Instantiating a Validated is easy. Validated.fromOption is synonymous with getOrElse - it either becomes a Valid(value) if the option from Some(value) or an Invalid with the value you provide.

  ConfigErrors(templateName, s"Template with name $parentTemplateName does not exist")

The interesting question is how you work with multiple Validated instances - either to combine them or chain them. There are a few options here.

Combining using the cartesian operator

If you have multiple Validated values that are combined to produce a single case class for example then you can do something like this:

val typeField = Validated.fromOption(
  ConfigErrors(label, "No type field provided")
val stacksField = Validated.fromOption(
  ConfigErrors(label, "No stacks provided")
val regionsField = Validated.fromOption(
  ConfigErrors(label, "No regions provided")
( typeField |@| stacksField |@| regionsField ) map { (deploymentType, stacks, regions) =>
    name = label,
    `type` = deploymentType,
    stacks = stacks,
    regions = regions,
    actions = templated.actions,
    app =,
    contentDirectory = templated.contentDirectory.getOrElse(label),
    dependencies = templated.dependencies.getOrElse(Nil),
    parameters = templated.parameters.getOrElse(Map.empty)

In this case we created three Validated fields (the first of type String and the other two of type NEL[String]), with their appropriate error messages. Then we use the cartesian operator |@| to join the three fields together. The result will either be Valid[(String, NEL[String], NEL[String])] (in which case we map over it and create our Deployment instance) or Invalid (the key thing is that the value in the Invalid object will contain all of the errors from the individual Invalid classes - added together using the combine operator of the ConfigErrors Semigroup instance).

Note also on lines 6 and 10 how flatMap and NEL.fromList are used together to produce the Invalid path if stacks/regions are either None or Some(Nil).

Combining using the combine operator or traverse

If both the valid and invalid types of a Validated type have a Semigroup then the Validated type itself can be used as a Semigroup. That means that we can join together multiple Validated and it will accumulate either the errors or the success values. An example would be Validated[ConfigErrors, NEL[Deployment]]. ConfigErrors has a Semigroup instance as we defined it and NEL has one in cats. As a result we can take two instances of that type and combine them together. If two valid instances are combined together you’ll get a valid with the two lists of Deployment concatenated together. Likewise if you have two invalid instances. In the case you have one of each, the invalid value will always win out and the valid value will be lost. You can do something like the following: { deployment =>
  DeploymentTypeResolver.validateDeploymentType(deployment, DeploymentType.all).map(List(_))
}.reduceLeft(_ combine _)

We map over a list of deployments and validate each one in turn. validateDeploymentType returns a Validated type which we map into a single element list (so we have a Semigroup) and then combine all of the results together. The result is a Validated that is either a list of all the successful results or a ConfigErrors of one or more errors.

A more elegant way of doing this is using the traverseU method:

import cats.syntax.traverse._
deployments.traverseU[ValidatedNel[ConfigError, Deployment]]{deployment =>
  DeploymentTypeResolver.validateDeploymentType(deployment, DeploymentType.all)

This has exactly the same result - we traverse the list and collect the successful results, unless a result isn’t successful in which case we collect all of the errors.

Chain using andThen

In my case I have multiple phases and these phases are chained using the andThen method on Validated. Somewhat like flatMap, when andThen is called on an Invalid then it will fail fast and return itself. When called on a Valid however it calls the provided function with it’s value and expects another Validated in return.

So to bring it all together we can do something like this:

val validatedDeployments = RiffRaffYamlReader.fromString(yamlConfig).andThen { config =>
}.andThen { deployments =>
  deployments.traverseU[ValidatedNel[ConfigError, Deployment]]{deployment =>
    DeploymentTypeResolver.validateDeploymentType(deployment, DeploymentType.all)

The cats library doesn’t provide a flatMap for Validated as andThen doesn’t match their definition of what flatMap does. This makes sense but sadly means that we can’t use for comprehensions - making our code look uglier. However, given that we don’t care too much about the purity of flatMap we can fix this! If we pimp a flatMap onto Validated like so:

implicit class RichValidated[E, A](validated: Validated[E, A]) {
  def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Validated[EE, B]): Validated[EE, B] = validated.andThen(f)

Then we can do this (which is far more readable):

for {
  config <- RiffRaffYamlReader.fromString(yamlConfig)
  deployments <- DeploymentResolver.resolve(config)
  validatedDeployments <- deployments.traverseU[ValidatedNel[ConfigError, Deployment]]{deployment =>
    DeploymentTypeResolver.validateDeploymentType(deployment, DeploymentType.all)
} yield validatedDeployments

You can explore the code for yourself in the magenta-lib/src/main/scala/magenta/input subtree of the Riff-Raff source code.

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